Granny Game Online
Welcome to Granny Game Online. At present, you find yourself confined within her house. Upon awakening in a dimly lit room, the sole source of illumination is your flashlight resting on a table. You experience a throbbing headache as if someone has struck you. Consequently, your objective is to escape her residence, but you must proceed with caution and maintain silence. She possesses acute hearing; any noise, including the dropping of an object, will alert her, prompting her to approach swiftly. You have the option to conceal yourself in closets or beneath beds, but you must exercise extreme care to ensure she does not uncover your hiding place.
Granny Game Online
Granny is an online arcade horror game where players must navigate through the dimly lit rooms and corridors of an older woman’s house to find a means of escape. It is crucial to avoid detection by the sinister Granny, who has a strong aversion to disobedient children. Her keen sense of hearing heightens the challenge; any noise made could alert her, prompting her to approach swiftly. Each time you are captured by Granny or fall into one of her traps, you will lose a day and awaken the following evening in your bed. Keep in mind that you have a limited timeframe of five days to achieve your escape.
How to play
Granny Controls: Action = Escape
- Move = WASD
- Crouch/Stand = C
- Hide/Unhide = R
- Pickup/Interact = E
- Drop = Space
- Remove bear traps/Place/Use = F
- Shoot = Left click
- Spray = Left click
Weapons and essential items within Granny’s residence
These objects may be utilized only once during each game and for designated functions:
- The Car Battery = place inside the car for one possible escape route.
- The Spark Plug = escape by car.
- The Car Engine = escape via the car.
- The Winch Handle = draw the bucket from inside the well in the Backyard.
- The Wrench = install the Car Engine part.
- The Melon = provides several items.
- The Bird Seed = distract the crow in the Crow Room to obtain the item from the cage.
- The Meat = distract Granny’s playful Spider.
- The Cogwheels = open the Cogwheel Safe inside the Playhouse in the Backyard.